At Home, 2021.

Vintage cotton and linen fabrics, thread, wood.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, all of our lives have been turned upside down. The boundaries between home and work became blurred, while the stress and messiness of personal and professional lives became entangled.

House shapes, constructed from scraps and offcuts, seem to obsess on the nature of home as a space of making. In the language of materials, comforting floral patterns and softly quilted patchwork pieces are suppressed by tightly bound threads. An enforced period of time at home forces us to confront our personal relationships and identities; complex emotions and difficult conversations coming to the fore. Home becomes a place of safety but also of confinement, trapped with ourselves.

First exhibited in 'Home/Work' at the Knitting & Stitching Show 2021.


Photos: Lucy Forrester


Photos: Lucy Forrester

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